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عنوان فارسی مقاله: بهبود روند های درمان از راه دور با استفاده از BPM
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: Improving telemedicine processes via BPM
رشته های مرتبط: مدیریت، مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، مدیریت کسب و کار، مدیریت پروژه، مدیریت تکنولوژی و مدیریت استراتژیک
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نشریه الزویر – Elsevier
کد محصول f290

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بخشی از ترجمه فارسی مقاله:

درمان از راه دور یک راه بسیار مفید برای درمان بیماران به صورت سریع و متنوع است که به نفع بیماران است که بتوانند فارغ از محل جغرافیایی ، درمان مناسبی را دریافت کنند.این روش احتمالا سیستم سلامت ما را بهبود میبخشد.
استفاده از این روش در واقع پاسخی به مشکلات فرا روی سیستم سلامت است، مانند موضوعات اپیدمیولوژیکی و چالش های اقتصادی و … .در این مطالعه ما از روش اتوماسیون روند های تجاری استفاده کردیم تا نشان دهیم میتوان در زمینه ی درمان از راه دور هم از این روش استفاده کرد تا رضایت مشتریان و خدمات بهتر ارائه شود.در ادامه ما موارد زیر را بررسی میکنیم : در بخش 2 ، ما اهمیت روند های تجاری در یک تشکیلات را نشان میدهیم.در بخش 3 BPM را توصیف میکنیم.در بخش 4 ما درمان از راه دور را توصیف میکنیم.بخش 5 زمینه کاری ما را مشخص میکند.در بخش 6 ما روش پیشنهادی خود را ارائه میدهیم.بخش 7 ایده ای روی راهی که ما روش مان را در آن آزمایش کردیم به دست میدهد.نهایتا، در بخش 8 نتیجه گیری میکنیم و بعضی دیدگاه برای آینده ارائه میکنیم.
2.روند های تجاری یک تشکیلات
سازمان ها معمولا باید تغییراتی در روند های تجاریشان، هر چند وقت یک بار ، ایجاد کنند تا بتوانند به رقابت بپردازند.مدیریت روند های تجاری اینجا مهم میشود.
معرفی یک سیستم مدیریت تجاری اینجا مهم است که بتواند موقعیتی برای تغییر های سریع بشود در حالی که سهامداران را حفظ کند و بر اساس سیستم های اطلاعاتی موجود و شاخص ها، نظارت و کنترل را تامین کند.محققان و اقتصاد دانان روی موضوعات خاص شرکت تمرکز میکنند تا باعث بهبود در تولیدات و خروجی سرمایه در آن بشوند.با در نظر داشتن جایگاه روند های تجاری، استفاده مناسب از یک مدیریت روند های تجاری در سازمان، مورد نیاز میشود.
3. BPM
می توان این گونه تعریف کرد : ” مدیریت روند های تجاری ( BPM) ، روشی است که برای تمام روشها، ابزار و تکنولوژی ها ، این امکان را فراهم میکند تا کارامد تر ، قابل ردیابی و چالاک تر باشند، در شرایطی که بین سیستم ها و افراد و نرم افزار ها و مشتریان و تامین کنندگان و … همکاری وجود دارد.BPM روند های چرخه مهندسی را مورد بررسی قرار میدهد ”
واحد های BPM برای مدل سازی و طراحی و اجرای مدل ها بر اساس قوانین تجاری هستند که رفتار روند های واقعی را نشان میدهد.ازین رو این واحد های میتوانند روند ها را کنترل و آن ها را به طور همزمان از نظر کیفیت و کارایی بررسی کنند.همچنین امکان بهینه سازی روند ها را نیز ایجاد میکند.
فواید BPM را میتوان به این صورت بیان کرد : اول، درک معاملات تجاری، دوما افزایش کارایی عملیاتی و کاهش قیمت، ثبات عملیاتی و کیفیت بهتر، چهارم انعطاف عملیاتی برای تغییرات سریع و نهایتا بهبود عملکرد و گزارش کار.
4.درمان از راه دور
در سالهای اخیر استفاده از IT افزایش یافته است و در سیستم های سلامت نیز از آن ها بهره برداری شده است.واژه درمان از راه دور در دهه ی 70 توسط توماس برد استفاده شد .این واژه به منظور تدارک خدمات سلامتی از راه دور است که با استفاده از تکنولوژی اطلاعات و ارتباطات انجام میشود و در شرایطی است که بیمار و خدمات دهنده از نظر فیزیکی کنار هم نیستند.
این تکنولوژی به بهبود ارائه خدمات و به اشتراک گذاری دانایی ها بسیار کمک کرده است.همچنین حمل و نقل های بیماران بین بیمارستان ها را نیز حذف کرده است.
5.متن کار
با پیشرفت تکنولوژی و کارایی ابزار BPM، ما علاقه مند شدیم که این موضوع را در زمینه های پزشکی بررسی کنیم.خدمات سلامتی بسیار متنوع شده و رقابت در این میان بسیار است و ازین رو ما بر آن شدیم تا کارایی BPM را در بهبود و افزایش رضایت افراد درگیر در این زمینه(پزشکی)، نشان دهیم.
در واقع امکانات پزشکی باید تغییر یابند تا باعث افزایش رضایت شوند و خدماتی یکپارچه تر ارائه دهند.امروزه مسائل مهمی مانند سلامت از راه دور، پرونده های الکترونیکی بیمار، درمان از راه دور و… حرف میزنیم که درمان از راه دور میتواند موردی باشد که بسیار به بهبود سیستم سلامت کمک میکند.
در یک طرف BPM را به عنوان ابزاری بسیار کارامد برای مدیریت و اتوماسیون روند های کاری داریم و از طرف دیگر چالش های فراروی روش های درمان از را دور، و این دلیل تلاش ما برای پاسخ به سوالات مقابل است : چه ابزاری برای اتوماسیون درمان از راه دور مناسب است؟فواید استفاده از BPM در پزشکی چیست؟چه روند های خاصی باید در نظر گرفته شود؟

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

1. Introduction

Telemedicine is a particularly useful way to optimize the quality of care by rapid medical exchanges for the benefit of patients whose state of health requires an appropriate response, fast, regardless to their geographic location. Telemedicine is likely to be an important factor for improving the performance of our health system. Its use in many countries is in fact a response to organizational and technical epidemiological (aging population, increasing number of patients with chronic diseases and polypathologies), demographic (unequal distribution of professionals in the country), and economic challenges (budgetary constraints) facing the health care system today. In this research, we rely on the approach of Business Process Management to show that it is possible in the context of telemedicine to exploit business process automation in the field of health as it has been proven in other areas, in order to maximize customer satisfaction (doctors and patients) with better management of care processes. We suggest a system of Business Process Management which is able to automate the process of care of Telemedicine to better serve actors. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we present the importance of Business Process in enterprises. Description of BPM is introduced in section 3. In section 4, we describe telemedicine. Section 5 provides our context of work. In section 6, we describe our proposed approach: the model of care process and the main features of the developed prototype. Section 7 gives an idea on the way in which we have experimented our approach. Finally, we conclude in section 8 and give some future perspectives.

2. Business Processes of the enterprise

Organizations often have to change their processes at higher or lower frequencies, in order to improve and make them more efficient. Business Process Management has become essential in these times because we cannot afford to have heavier and less agile process without losing any competitiveness [1]. The risk increases even more when the processes are common and horizontal to several departments, and this transversality prevents to act quickly and effectively on the problems it causes. Introducing an application of Business Process Management can be an opportunity to act directly on these processes and to make a radical change. It has as objective, to reposition the stakeholders and to insure monitoring and control relying on indicators integrated into various parts of the existing information system. Man has always sought to reduce his efforts while producing goods or services. Economists and researchers in management focused on specific issues of the company and its output of capital by improving productivity through the transformation of productivity to industrial production [2]. Given the importance of the place of Business Processes in the organization, the implementation of an approach based to Business Process Management becomes a required intervention within organizations.

3. BPM Business Process Management deals

with the engineering cycle of business processes addressing the business issues of effectiveness (or unnecessary redundant steps, uncertain time bottlenecks) control (who controls and is responsible for the process) and transparency (ability to follow processes) [3]. Thus, a broad definition would be “BPM is the discipline that provides all the methods, tools and technologies to improve efficiency, traceability and agility of business processes where there is collaboration between systems, software, people, customers, suppliers and partners … BPM addresses the engineering cycle process.” BPM suites, as a support for the process, provide the ability to model and design processes through a modeling environment; execute processes via a Framework based on a business rules engine that governs the behavior of the process which is established by users. Interactions with other systems such as web services or databases of the company are also possible. Manual activities can also be included in case it is unable to automate. Thus BPM suites can simultaneously control and monitor process performance through statistics and measures rendered as dashboards. These are usually indicators that provide information on the cycle time of the process, the default rate of production and productivity. They also offer the possibility to analyze and optimize the processes, for example by detecting and eliminating bottlenecks and reducing time while performing tasks [1]. In summary, BPM enables organizations to continuously monitor and offers continuous processes to increase operational efficiency. BPM, by definition, requires that companies review their processes and workflow to manage and deliver continuous improvement in their operations. This improvement is achieved by improving the coupling of processes and management approaches with tools that automate the management of the implementation process by defining and generating applications of support. BPM is a new approach supporting technologies that provide operational flexibility and sustainable optimization. The benefits of BPM can be split into five categories: – First, the understanding of the business transaction and the rules that govern the activity is improved; – Secondly operational efficiency is improved and costs are reduced; – Third, consistency of operation and better quality are obtained; – Fourth, operational flexibility for the rapid and continuous change will provide optimization; – Finally, performance and reporting are improved.

4. Telemedicine In recent years, there has been rapid growth of the use of IT in the health sector. These technologies were introduced to support major restructurings of health system in the world. They concerned changes in the process of care and care services offered to the population. The term Telemedicine was introduced by Thomas BIRD in the 70s and designated “A delivery of healthcare and exchange of healthcare information in a distant way” [4]. Telemedicine is the remote provision of health care services through information technology and communication in situations where the healthcare professional and the patient (or two health professionals) are not physically present at the same place. Telemedicine provides an important improvement in the supervision of patients. Moreover, it represents the contribution of a new technology that combines a sharing of knowledge between health professionals, sharing of biological radiological and ultrasound data. It prevents the transportation of patients between hospitals and allows their monitoring without moving them, promotes dialogue between practitioners in charge of these patients in their health problem [5].

5. Context Given the competitiveness, rapid advancement and especially the expansion of communication techniques and new technologies in all areas of life as well as the effectiveness of BPM tools to automate and better manage business processes of organizations, we are interested specifically in this work in the health field, since there was no work until now that has applied BPM in this field. Health care is a vital area that affects everyone. The number of health institutions increases and the competition among institutions is growing at a very fast speed. This is why the introduction of a change is needed to give better satisfaction to customers, patients, doctors and health workers. We will try to confirm the contribution of BPM in the field of health by improving the various corresponding business processes. Indeed, health care facilities are now required to change their processes to better satisfy their customers and offer them more efficient and better services and to integrate the benefits of ICT which are imposed in all areas [6]. Today we talk about telehealth [7], patient E_dossier [8], telemedicine and medical informatics in general [6]. Telemedicine is thus, a new field of medicine enabling to improve medicine by using information and communication technologies. It is an emerging technology in the field of health care, and it is a technology which has enormous potential to help health systems to meet the challenges of today which are: the demands of an aging population, increased long-term illnesses such as diabetes, lack of health professionals, and health care costs which are becoming higher and higher. An effort to modeling telemedicine process was made in earlier work [9] and [6]. On one hand the importance of BPM as an effective means for management and automation of business processes, and on the other hand the major challenges must now answer telemedicine, that’s why we try to answer the following questions: Which means are adapted for the automation of telemedicine? What would be the benefits of adopting the BPM process in the case of telemedicine? And what specific processes for telemedicine and how do they influence the corresponding BPM? Moreover, in our work, we aim to improve the implementation of telemedicine processes: Teleconsulting process and diagnostics process, etc…


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