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بهینه سازی حرکت نقاط انتقال روی ترازها در معادن روباز عمیق آهن

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Optimization of the Movement of Transfer Points on the Horizons in the Deep Iron Ore Open Pit

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سال انتشار مقاله  2011
تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی 6 صفحه با فرمت pdf
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله  مهندسی معدن و مهندسی مواد
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله  استخراج‌ معدن، اکتشاف‌ معدن‌ و استخراج فلزات
مجله مربوطه صنعت متالورژی و معدن (Metallurgical and Mining Industry)
دانشگاه تهیه کننده  دانشگاه ملی معدن
کلمات کلیدی این مقاله  استخراج روباز سنگ آهن، عملیات های حمل و نقل معدنی، فلوچارت، حرکت نقاط حمل و نقل ، بهینه سازی حرکت
رفرنس دارد
نشریه  Metal Journal



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صورت مسئله بهینه سازی دینامیک حرکت کلیه نقاط انتقال کانسنگ استخراج روباز در روابط فضایی، زمانی و تکنولوژیکی که نیازمندیها و شرایط فنی و اقتصادی عمومی را تامین می کنند، برای اولین بار فرمول نویسی گردید.
تکنیک حل این مسئله که نه تنها براساس تئوری بهینه سازی ریاضی متداول، بلکه همچنین براساس تئوری تصمیم است، عوامل غیر رسمی و کمتر رسمی مهندسی معدن و عوامل دیگر را محاسبه می نماید که تاثیر آنها می تواند بسیار چشمگیرو اساسی باشد. در نتیجه، کارایی راه حل های بدست آمده در مقایسه با شیوه سنتی و روشهای ریاضی افزایش می یابد. تصدیق روشها در نمونه مسئله عددی، کارایی اش را تائید کرد. چشم انداز تحقیق آتی، بهینه سازی دینامیک حرکت کانسنگ و TP لایه رویی روی افق ها در استخراج روباز سنگ آهن می باشد.


  • بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:


Introduction It is known that at the moment at most modern iron ore open pits in Ukraine mining operations achieved significant depth of development, while in the near future it is expected to continue the present sink rate, and in some cases even increase it. The growth of the depth of pits causes the inevitable increase in the distance transportation of mined rock. Besides, the growth of the pits depth causes pushback of the mining operations front on the horizons, what also leads to increasing transportation distances of mined rock. These factors determine the application of flowcharts of mining transport operations with the use of combined transport, particularly rail-road. Thus they try to reduce the cost of transporting the mined rock by the use of more cost-effective rail transport. The distinguishing characteristic of such flowcharts is the presence of transfer points (TP). Creating a TP is associated with the costs for its construction and the cost of the edges cutback due to the necessary increase in the width of some work platforms. At the lower horizons under TP a pillar, which may include ore, is established. Over time, this pillar will restrain planned pushback of the mining operations front, what may be a cause of schedule adjustments or dismantling of TP. The TP dismantling is also accompanied by costs. On the other hand, the TP can be used for rail transport for delivery the ore from the TP to the crushing-and-preparation plant and the overburden rocks to the dump pits. Besides, the TP warehouses increase the reliability of the flowcharts of mining transport operations and allow, if necessary, to perform separate or general storage and shipment of ore varieties, blending and/or homogenizing ore quality. Similarly, they allow, if necessary, to perform separate or general storage and reloading of the overburden rocks of various kinds. During the open pit operation an increase in distances of mined rock delivery by automobile transport reduce the periodic movement of TP to the lower horizons (i.e. increase the distance of delivery for rail transport). In practice, the frequency analysis of the feasibility of changing the location of TP is usually equal to one year, due to the fact that major changes of transportation distance are caused by the schedule. Thus, the efficiency of the flowchart of mining transport operations is determined by the TP location on the horizons (distribution of distances of transportation by road and rail) by the years of the open pit service. The main known problems statements associated with determining the dynamics of the movement of TP on the horizons are previously considered by the authors in [1]. According to the results of the analysis it was concluded that a characteristic feature of these productions is their speciality. For example, in [2] rational distance between the horizons of concentration is defined, in [2, 3] – a transfer step of TP in the combined rail-road and road-conveyor transport, in [4] – the location of some TP on one horizon in the combined road-conveyor transport. None of these problems takes into account the spatial nature of the TP arrangement, the connection with the dynamics of mining operations (schedule), the possibility of the location of several TP at different levels. Due to the above stated, the problem of the spatial optimization of the dynamics of movement of the ore transfer points on the horizons in the iron ore open pit is crucial. Methodology This problem should be solved at the design stage as well as at the operational stage of the open pit. At the design stage it can be solved in conjunction with the scheduling problem of mining operations, transportation routes and distribution of ore streams. The need to solve it on the stage of operation is caused by deviations of the actual mining operations from the project schedule and the actual development of the transport routes from the project. In this paper we solve the problem for the operation stage of the open pit. Obviously, the optimization of the dynamics of the distribution of ore transfer points in the iron ore open pit in both problems should be considered in a given interval of time (usually 5-8 years). Therefore, the main source of data for this problem is corrected schedule and the actual development of the routes for the first year of the specified time interval. For the next years, the development of the routes is pre-defined by estimates of the distances of transportation. The main technological requirements are: providing the transportation and transshipment of volumes of the stope according to the schedule and the plan for its processing. As follows from the above, at the beginning of the analysis of factors determining the economic efficiency of the flowchart of mining transport operations, the optimality criterion should take into account the dynamics of the TP distribution on the horizons (the dynamics of changes in transportation distances by road and rail) and the cost of construction, the edge cutback due to the necessary increase in the width of the work platforms and dismantling, as well as the expenditure for extraction-and-loading and transhipping operations by years of service. That is why the suggested in the well-known papers [2-4], optimality criteria can not be used without modification, since they reflect the special nature of the problems and performances and they do not fully take into account these factors.


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بهینه سازی حرکت نقاط انتقال روی ترازها در معادن روباز عمیق آهن

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Optimization of the Movement of Transfer Points on the Horizons in the Deep Iron Ore Open Pit

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