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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

ارزیابی مدل انباشتگی یخبندان

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Evaluation of a frost accumulation model

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سال انتشار مقاله  2003
تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی  7 صفحه با فرمت pdf
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  • فهرست مطالب:


1 مقدمه
2 داده ها
1 2 داده های RWIS
2 2 مشاهدات یخبندان سطح سنگفرش شده
3 مدل انباشتگی یخبندان
4 نتایج
1 4 تصدیق
2 4 مدل رگرسیون لوجیستیک
5 صحت پیش بینی و معیار تصمیم
1 5 تئوری تشخیص سیگنال
2 5 منحنی های مشخصه عملیاتی نسبی
6 خلاصه


  • بخشی از ترجمه:


مدل (FAM2000) مبتنی بر شرح و وصف ریاضی ساده شاررطوبت به سطح برای محاسبه انباشتگی یخبندان توسعه یافته است که با شرایط هواشناسی فراهم شده توسط مدلهای پیش بینی یا مشاهدات سازگاری دارد. در اینجا مدلی با داده های RWIS برای محاسبه مقادیر مورد انتظار یخبندان انباشته شده در مواقعی ارائه نمودیم که پرسنل IaDOT مشاهداتی در رابطه با این پل ها مطرح کرده بودند. نتایج حاصل از تحلیل های SDT و ROC نشان می دهد کاربرد مدل انباشتگی یخبندان برای تمایز یخبندان قابل رویت و بسیار خطرناک از یخبندان غیر قابل رویت (مشاهده) از صحت کافی برخوردار می باشد به همین خاطر می توان از آن به عنوان یک ابزار عملیاتی استفاده نمود. با این حال، عدم قطعیت اطلاعات ورودی ( به عبارتی مقادیر پیش بینی یا اندازه گیری شده RWIS) پیش بینی انباشتگی یخبندان را تحلیل خواهد داد.
یکی از پارامترهای کلیدی تعیین شده، عمق آستانه یخبندان انباشته شده بود که با مدل متناظر با مینیموم یخبندان قابل مشاهده رویت شده از سوی پرسنل تعمیر و نگهداشت IaDOT از داخل خودروی در حال حرکت در حین بررسی پل ها محاسبه شده بود. از تکنیک رگرسیون لوجیستیک برای تعیین احتمال (p) این مسئله استفاده گردید که کارگر تعمیر یخبندان را برای عمق محاسبه شده یخبندان (TFD) مشاهده خواهد نمود. نتایج بدست آمده نشان داد عمق آستانه حدود0.01mm مینیموم عمق احتمالی برای یخبندان انباشته شده روی عرشه پل به نظر می رسد که طبق روشهای IaDOT قابل مشاهده می باشد.


  • بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:


Introduction Frost frequently forms on paved surfaces in Iowa during the cold season (October−April), particularly in the early morning under conditions of radiational cooling or moisture advection. Takle (1990) reported that maintenance personnel tabulated 2608 bridge and 1615 roadway frost occurrences for the winters from 1985 to 1989 at 37 sites. He concluded that across Iowa each year the number of bridge frost events ranges from about 12 to 58, and that the number of roadway frost events varies from about 7 to 35. Frost accumulations may lead to hazardous conditions for motorists unless paved surfaces are treated with anti-icing solutions. However, treating bridge decks every time the surface temperature drops to the freezing point or below is not practical or economical. Furthermore, both automobile corrosion due to ice suppression chemicals on metal surfaces and contamination of nearby water bodies by fugitive chemicals (Shao & Lister 1996) are exacerbated by excess chemical use. The Iowa Department of Transportation (IaDOT) chemically treats roadways and bridges for frost based on site-specific road weather forecasts (i.e. prevention) and real-time observations and Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS) data (i.e. mitigation). Accurate frost predictions promote effective anti-icing and de-icing procedures and minimise negative environmental impacts. Despite substantial improvements in understanding ice formation on roadways (Bogren & Gustavsson 1989; Gustavsson & Bogren 1990; Karlsson 2001), improved predictive models are needed. One deficiency in existing models is the lack of acknowledgement of a difference between roadway frost and roadway frost that is likely to be hazardous to motorists. A highway maintenance policy that called for treating roadways every time the surface temperature was at or below the dew-point temperature and below freezing (conditions for frost to begin forming) would result in a waste of human and material resources, since these conditions frequently occur over periods that are too short to permit significant frost accumulation. Resources available to this project did not permit a correlation of measured friction with surface frost accumulation. In lieu of this limitation, we related frost accumulation (as calculated by our algorithm) to visual observation of frost – the conventional criterion for initiating frost suppression measures. We developed a simple numerical algorithm to calculate the depth of frost accumulation on paved surfaces, which can be applied to bridges. The model uses current RWIS data to calculate current frost accumulation. Alternatively the model could use forecasts of dew-point temperature, air temperature, surface temperature and wind speed to produce forecasts of frost accumulation. Frost depths calculated by the model are compared with daily frost observations by IaDOT maintenance personnel. A relative operating characteristics (ROC) curve (Swets 1973) was used to evaluate the skill of the modelling procedure. Frost accumulations may be too small to be visible under standard IaDOT frost observation techniques. We used the frost accumulation model to calculate frost depths for those days on which frost observations were made. A linear logistic regression technique using these depths and concurrent yes/no frost observations was developed to determine the probability that a maintenance worker would observe frost at various calculated depths. Crevier & Delage (2001) have recently reported a comprehensive numerical simulation model for forecasting roadway conditions in Canada. Their model includes prognostic equations for budgets of liquid and solid H2O on paved surfaces and supporting equations for the energy balance at the surface. The algorithm we describe herein uses meteorological information from weather forecasts or RWIS observations to calculate the amount of frost that will accumulate consistent with the supplied data. The Crevier & Delage (2001) model includes frost as one of many ice/water conditions on the roadway surface. A practical consideration in the forecasting of frost is whether the amount deposited is (a) visible other than under microscopic observations, and (b) hazardous to motorists. We have used actual observations by department of transportation employees to establish a database of ‘observed frost’ (which is likely to be a subset of all frost that occurred during the observation period). Despite the fact that the model reported herein is much simpler than that of Crevier & Delage (2001) it goes one step further in discriminating potentially hazardous frost from all physically possible frost occurrences. 2. Data 2.1. RWIS data RWIS installations are used throughout the world (Eriksson & Norrman 2001) for monitoring winter roadway conditions in areas likely to be hazardous to road transport. Sensor data from five automated RWIS sites in Iowa (Spencer, Mason City, Waterloo, southwest Des Moines, and Ames) were extracted from the IaDOT data archives.


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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

بررسی مدل انباشت یخ زدگی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Evaluation of a frost accumulation model

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