دانلود مقاله ترجمه شده سیستم های فتوولتائیک متصل به شبکه جهت تشخیص حالت جزیره ای براساس موجک – مجله IEEE


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تشخیص حالت جزیره ای مبتنی بر موجک در سیستم های PV متصل به شبکه

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Wavelet-Based Islanding Detection in Grid-Connected PV Systems

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مشخصات مقاله انگلیسی (PDF)
سال انتشار  2009
تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی  11 صفحه با فرمت pdf
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله  مهندسی برق و مهندسی کامپیوتر
گرایش های مرتبط با این مفاله  مهندسی الکترونیک، مهندسی الگوریتم ها و محاسبات، برق قدرت و هوش مصنوعی
دانشگاه  گروه الکترونیک و کامپیوتر، دانشگاه کانتابریا، سانتاندر، اسپانیا
کلمات کلیدی  حالت جزیره ای، سیستم قدرت فتوولتائیک (PV)، تبدیل موجک
شناسه شاپا یا ISSN ISSN 0278-0046
رفرنس دارد
لینک مقاله در سایت مرجع لینک این مقاله در سایت IEEE
نشریه IEEE


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تعداد صفحات ترجمه تایپ شده با فرمت ورد با قابلیت ویرایش و فونت 14 B Nazanin 31 صفحه
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  • فهرست مطالب:


I مقدمه
II روش شناسایی پیشنهادی
A رابط شبکه سیستمPV تک فاز
B رفتار فرکانس سیستمPV فرکانس بالا و اساس روش پیشنهادی
Cاثرات امپدانس شبکه بر روی پاسخ فرکانسی سیستم PV
D تحلیل موجک استفاده شده در تشخیص حالت جزیره ای در DPGSهای PV مبتنی بر اینورتر تک فاز
E انتخاب موجک مادر(اصلی)
F انتخاب سطوح تشخیص
III نتایج شبیه سازی
A NDZ روش پیشنهاد شده
B مقایسه عملکرد
IV نتایج عملی
V نتیجه گیری


  • بخشی از ترجمه:


این مقاله، یک روش تشخیصی ترکیبی را پیشنهاد می کندکه می تواند شرایط جزیره ای را از اندازه گیری ولتاژ محلی PCC و سیگنال های جریان که اساس روش های غیر فعال هستند را تشخیص دهد. اما مولفه فرکانس بالا به خدمت گرفته شده که بوسیله اینورترهای PV، با توجه به مدولاتور پهنای باند اعمال شده فیلتر LCL و کنترل کننده جریان برای آشکار شدن حالت جزیره ای، تزریق می شود.
روش پیشنهادی از نظر زمان موضعی کردن فرکانس DWT که به مولفه های فرکانس بالا اعمال شده است دارای مزیت است که بوسیله اینورتر DPGS در PCC تعریف می شود. آنالیز تئوری فرآیند طراحی و نتایج به دست آمده هر دو شبیه سازی و شرایط عملی، در این مقاله آمده است.
روش های پیشنهادی، در صورت وجود ولتاژ تحریف شده شبکه، تغییرات فرکانس و ولتاژ بوجود آمده برای سیستم های PV توان کم و ولتاژ کم، مناسب است ،جایی که کاهش تعداد سنسور ها موجود است و کارمحاسباتی و پیچیدگی الگوریتم ضد حالت جزیره ای باید به حداقل برسد.


  • بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:


INTRODUCTION A MAIN ISSUE associated with renewable energy sources connected to electrical grids through an active front end is the proper operation of such grid interfaces in order to improve the power supply reliability and quality independently from the electrical characteristics of the renewable energy source and the grid conditions at the point of common coupling (PCC) [1]–[4]. The power converter topology [5]–[7], the controller structure, the supported functionalities, and/or implementation issues [8] must be considered during the design process of the active front end; however, according to international standards [9]–[16], the detection of the islanding condition must be also considered. The islanding condition is defined in [9] and occurs when “a portion of the utility system that contains both load and distributed resources remains energized while it is isolated from the remainder of the utility system.” In case of low-power plug&play photovoltaic (PV) systems, according to [13], the distributed resource must be stopped within 2 s of the formation of the unintentional island in order to avoid possible damages to local electrical loads or the PV inverter during the grid reconnection. Moreover, this condition can be mandatory in order to guarantee the safety of workers during maintenance operations of the electrical system [17]. The detection of the islanding condition is a classical issue in electrical engineering; however, it must be considered that in low-power PV distributed power generation systems (DPGSs), where a minimum number of sensors is required to reduce the economical costs or, simply, load- and grid-side sensors are not available, this condition must be determined from voltage and current measurements at the inverter side of the PCC [18]. Wireless communication systems have decreased their cost and can be an alternative in future DPGSs. Passive, active, and hybrid detection methods have been proposed in the literature as alternatives to grid-level detection methods. Passive methods monitor the voltage and current at the inverter side of the PCC. Measurements of the PCC voltage magnitude and frequency [19], [20], harmonics [21], and phase [22] are considered, separately or simultaneously [23], in order to determine the islanding condition [24]. As a drawback, it must be considered that the proper operation of passive methods under all possible load, grid, and DPGS powers cannot be guaranteed [25]. The nondetection zone (NDZ) of each method [26] can be calculated in order to evaluate the detection techniques [27]. Moreover, it must be considered that grid voltage disturbances can cause the inopportune intervention of the antiislanding algorithm during normal operation. Active detection methods have been introduced as an alternative to passive methods. In this case, a controlled disturbance is introduced at the PCC, and when the islanding condition occurs, the disturbance forces the detection method threshold [28], [29], and as a consequence, the NDZ is minimized or avoided. Diverse methods, such as impedance measurement or detection [30]–[32], slip-mode frequency shifting (SMS) [33], active and reactive power variations [34], and active frequency drift [35], have been proposed; however, as drawbacks, they introduce a disturbance at the PCC, and interaction between DPGSs must be considered [36]. Hybrid methods combine the effectiveness of passive and active approaches and can be applied as an alternative [37]. This paper extends the analysis given in [38] and proposes a wavelet-based detection method which can detect the islanding condition from the local measurements of PCC voltage and current signals, as in case of passive methods, but evaluates the high-frequency components injected by the PV inverter, which depend on the characteristics of the employed pulsewidth modulator, LCL filter, and current controller, to reveal the islanding condition, as done by active methods. As it will be shown, the spectrum of the PV inverter output power will suffer a small variation after the islanding operation mode over a continuous and relatively wide frequency band. Passive harmonic detection (HD) methods based on discrete Fourier transform do not allow these variations to be detected due to their low resolution, which depends on the number of selected harmonics. As a consequence, wavelet filter banks are proposed for tracking purposes of such spectrum variations in a properly selected frequency band. Section II shows the basis of the proposed method, including the procedure for the selection of a suitable mother wavelet. Section III describes the selection method of proper detection levels and gives the NDZ of the proposed method and a comparison of two conventional detection methods. Sections IV and V present the obtained experimental results and conclusions, respectively. II. PROPOSED DETECTION METHOD The structure of a conventional inverter-based PV system is analyzed in this section. Special attention is given to the high-frequency behavior of the inverter output signals (voltage, current, and power) and the impact of the PV inverter characteristics on these signals.


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سیستم های فتوولتائیک متصل به شبکه جهت تشخیص حالت جزیره ای براساس موجک

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Wavelet-Based Islanding Detection in Grid-Connected PV Systems

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