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بررسی خواص مكانيكی اتصالات غيرمشابه خال جوشی فولادهای ضد زنگ و گالوانيزه

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Exploring the Mechanical Properties of Spot Welded Dissimilar Joints for Stainless and Galvanized Steels

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مشخصات مقاله انگلیسی (PDF)
سال انتشار مقاله  2007
تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی 9 صفحه با فرمت pdf
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله  مهندسی مواد  و جوشکاری
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله  متالوژی، بازرسی جوش اسکلت فلزی و جوشکاری برق
مجله مربوطه   مجله جوشکاری (WELDING JOURNAL)
دانشگاه تهیه کننده  مهندسی مواد، دانشگاه تکنولوژی هلسینکی، فنلاند
کلمات کلیدی این مقاله  جوشكاري خال جوش،اتصالات فلز غيرمشابه،فولاد ضدزنگ،فولاد زنگ پذير،اتصالات جوشخوردۀ خال جوش
رفرنس دارد
نشریه  AWS



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تجهيزات جوشكاري خال جوش مقاومت
پارامترهاي جوشكاري خال جوش هاي
اندازه گيري هاي ريزسختي (Microhardness)
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  • بخشی از ترجمه:

خواص مكانيكي اتصالات فلزي غيرمشابه مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت.مشخص شد كه براياتصالات فلزيغيرمشابه ، بارشكست نمونه هاي تنش عرض حدود 72.78% نمونه هاي برش لبه روي لبه است و نوع شكست در هر دو آزمون از نوع plug ميباشد.استحكام برش لبه روي لبه اتصالات فلزي غيزمشابه به استحكام و ضخامت فولاد زنگ پذير بستگي داشت. در مورد اتصالات جوش خورده، سطوح متقاوت استحكام مواد پايه بر استحكام خستگي خوردگي تأثيرينداشت. اما ضخامت لبه روي لبه تأثير قابل ملاحظه ايي داشت.استحكام خشتگي ساختار جوش خوردۀ خالجوش با افزايش ضخامت ورقه افزايش ميابد.استحكام خستگي اتصالات فلز غيرمشابه بين استحكام خستگي فولاد زنگ پذير و فولاد ضدزنگ قرار دارد. الترو پوشش نمونه هاي آزمون بر خواص خستگي خوردگي اتصالات جوش خوردۀ خال جوش تأثير چنداني نداشت. مشخص شد كه اتصالات فلز غيرمشابه نسبت به شكنندگي هيدروژن در محلولهاي كلريد در دماي اتاق حساس هستند .همين مسئله در مورد اتصالات فولاد-فولاد بعد از پوند گالوانيزه به روي نيز مشاهده شد. اتصالات فولاد-فولاد بدون پيوند گالوانيزه در برابر شكنندگي هيدروژن و ترك خوردگي تنشي در اين نوع آزمون مقاوم بود.


  • بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:


Introduction Dissimilar metal welds are common in welded construction, and their performance is often crucial to the function of the whole structure. Dissimilar metal welding involves the joining of two or more different metals or alloys. There are several types of dissimilar metal welds, and the most common type is the joining of stainless steel to nonstainless steel. In the case of arc welding, filler metal is typically used, but in the case of resistance spot welding, the use of filler metal is very rare. Resistance spot welding has a very important role as a joining process in the automotive industry, and a typical vehicle contains more than 3000 spot welds. The quality and strength of the spot welds are very important to the durability and safety design of the vehicles. The development of the new materials results constantly in the resistance spot welding tasks with new materials or combinations of them. The lack of experience with the new materials or combinations of them often results in the use of the welding parameters, which are not optimal. A few common guideline values and weldability diagrams for spot welding of steels exist and most of the guidelines are for nonstainless steels. In general, an unlimited number of weld metal compositions can be obtained in the dissimilar metal welding, depending on the combination of the base and filler metals and the welding process. In the case of spot welding, the microstructure of the weld nugget can be predicted by using constitution diagrams, e.g., the Schaeffler diagram. The use of the Schaeffler diagram may be inaccurate because of the high cooling rate of the resistance spot weld. Other wellknown constitution diagrams are DeLong, WRC-1988, and WRC-1992 diagrams. They can be used for the prediction of the ferrite content of the austenitic welds, but the diagrams are not so well suitable for the prediction of the martensite contents of the dissimilar metal welds when no filler metal is used. In Fig. 1, an example is shown how to use the Schaeffler diagram in the case of spot welded dissimilar metal joints. If the dilution is, e.g., 50%, the microstructure of the weld nugget is lying in the middle of the line, which is drawn between stainless steel EN 1.4318 (AISI 301LN) and nonstainless steel ZStE260BH — Fig. 1. Thus, the microstructure of the weld nugget will be fully martensitic. The dilution in resistance spot welding of dissimilar metals can vary between 30 and 70%, and the microstructure of the weld nugget is still fully martensitic. Hard martensitic weld metal may be a problem during welding and service. Hard martensitic weld metal can be susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement in service conditions, if the corrosion potential is in the region where hydrogen evolution is possible. Arc welding is the most common technique in dissimilar metal welding, and resistance welding is a rare technique for joining stainless steels to nonstainless steels, respectively. There are a lot of scientific papers dealing with arcwelded dissimilar metal joints, but only a few studies have been published concerning spot-welded dissimilar metal joints (Refs. 1–3). The majority of the spot welding studies deal, however, with the spot welding of nonstainless steels. Experimental Procedures Materials The test materials for this resistance spot welding study were DX54DZ, FeP06GZ, and ZStE260BH nonstainless steels and EN 1.4301 (AISI 304) and EN 1.4318 (AISI 301LN) austenitic stainless steels, which were studied both in 2B and 2H conditions. All nonstainless steels were galvanized. The test materials are listed in Table 1 and their measured tensile properties are presented in Table 2. Because of the different chemical compositions of the nonstainless steels and stainless steels, their thermal conductivity values are also different. In the case of austenitic stainless steels, thermal conductivity is about 16 W/mK (Ref. 4) and for low-carbon nonstainless steels about 52 W/mK (Ref. 5), respectively. Electrical resistivity is also an important parameter when nonstainless steels are spot welded to stainless steels. Electrical resistivity of stainless steels EN 1.4301 and EN 1.4318 is about 72 µΩ cm (Ref. 4), and the electrical resistivity of lowcarbon nonstainless steels is about 12 µΩ cm (Ref. 5). Differences in the thermal conductivity and in the electrical resistivity lead to an asymmetrical weld nugget in the dissimilar metal joints (Ref. 3).


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ویژگی مکانیکی اتصالات غیر همجنس نقطه جوشکاری شده گالوانیزه

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Exploring the Mechanical Properties of Spot Welded Dissimilar Joints for Stainless and Galvanized Steels

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