دانلود ترجمه مقاله تجسم رفتار حرارتی روی مواد لاستیکی با شبیه سازی تغییر فاز


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عنوان فارسی مقاله: ترسیم رفتار حرارتی بر روی مواد لاستیکی با در نظر گرفتن شبیه سازی تغییر فاز
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: Temperature Behavior Visualization on Rubber Material Involving Phase Change Simulation


مشخصات مقاله انگلیسی (PDF)
سال انتشار مقاله  2009
تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی  8 صفحه با فرمت pdf
رشته های مرتبط با این مقاله  مهندسی مواد، شیمی، مکانیک و ریاضی
گرایش های مرتبط با این مقاله  متالورژی صنعتی، شناسایی و انتخاب مواد مهندسی، سرامیک، تاسیسات حرارتی و برودتی، بیومواد، پلیمر، شیمی معدنی، حرارت و سیالات، نانوشیمی و ریاضی کاربردی
مجله مربوطه  مجله علوم پایه (Journal of Fundamental Sciences)
دانشگاه تهیه کننده  گروه ریاضی، موسسه ابن سینا، دانشگاه Teknologi، جوهور، مالزی
کلمات کلیدی این مقاله لاستیک – رفتار حرارتی – انتقال حرارت – شبیه سازی تغییر فاز – معادله ی سهمی – لاتکس
نشریه  Upm



مشخصات و وضعیت ترجمه مقاله (Word)
تعداد صفحات ترجمه مقاله  11 صفحه با فرمت ورد، به صورت تایپ شده و با فونت 14 – B Nazanin
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فهرست مطالب:


۱ مقدمه
۲ خواص مواد
۲ ۱ ولکانیزاسیون لاستیک
۳ مدل سازی ریاضی
۴ روش های رقومی
۵ نتایج رقومی
۶ نتیجه گیری


بخشی از ترجمه:


مدل ریاضی با استفاده از معادله ی سهمی یک بعدی با در نظر گرفتن تغییر فاز ارائه شد. مدل ریاضی سخت شدگی لاستیک ترکیبی از معادله ی القای حرارتی موقت در ترکیب لاستیک و معادله ی سرعت واکنش شیمیایی است.مدل های ریاضی اطلاعات بسیار بیشتری را در اختیار می گذارند برخی از این مدل ها بر اثر سرعت اشفتگی روغن و ضریب انتقال حرارت سطحی تاکید دارند.
برای مقایسه ی روش استفاده شد بعلاوه روش تکراری نیز برای حل معادله ی سهمی استفاده شد. نتایج انالیز های رقومی برای اندازه گیری های عملکرد نظیر زمان اجرا،تعداد تکرار ها پیچیدگی محاسباتی و صحت نشان می دهد که بهتر از از حیث زمان اجرایی است.
بعلاوه توسعه ی مدل ریاضی در ترسیم رفتار حرارتی می تواند به معادلات سهمی چند بعدی تبدیل شو. با دسترسی موفق به تست های محلی و منطقه ای ،مدل ریاضی برای سخت شدگی الستیک به روش دو بعدی و یا سه بعدی تبدیل خواهد شد.


بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:


Introduction Heat transfer process occurs due to the polymer flow as convection. The motion of fluid transfers an energy along its flow path and thus convects heat during mould filling (Davis et Al., 2003). To predict the temperature behavior on rubber material involving phase change processes, this prediction solving by the mathematical simulation. A mathematical model for the prediction of temperature profiles and heat transfer rates during the blow moulding process (Edwards et Al., 1981). This paper focuses on the research to study the influence of operating conditions on cooling time. The experimental attention to be focused on to using a chilled mould and gas circulation to give enhanced cooling rates. Analytical data obtained on a small laboratory at Lembaga Getah Malaysia as an exact solution, and limited to testing on an industrial production line for the manufacturing of large barrels have been confirmed the validity of theoretical approach. Deqian (1986) has presented a fundamental method for the heat transfer calculation in polymer processing. Calculation of the heat transfer with viscous heat generation for the drag flow of rubber melts between two coaxial cylinders by using the finite difference method is carried out. The inner cylinder is rotating at a steady Journal of Article Fundamental Sciences Available online at http://www.ibnusina.utm.my/jfs Journal of Fundamental Sciences 5 (2009) 55-62 56 Roziha Darwis et al. / Journal of Fundamental Sciences 5 (2009) 55-62 angular velocity, but the outside of a cylinder is fixed. As the rubber melting passes through the extrude rubber, it will undergo intensive shear friction and much more viscous heat will be generated. The temperature distribution along the rotating downstream length was obtained, and the approximate temperature gradients on the cylindersurfaces were calculated. The calculated result has been shown that average melt temperature on the section of the two cylinders gradually rises along the rotating downstream length, but the temperature gradient reduced extremely slowly. The fully developed of temperature profile has then been constructed. The numerical methods under considerations are some finite difference methods. These numerical methods are straightforward built on Linux platforms. A modeling of curing reaction of a maleic polyester resin during the compression moulding process has been presented by Azaar et al., 1992. The objectives of the studies are to predict both the temperature profiles and state of cure profiles developed within the sample at any time, as well as the temperature-time histories at the midplane for the thin sheet resin and to investigate the effect of the rate of stirring the oil which heats the mould and resin. The temperature-time histories at the middle of thin sheets of resin obtained from the experiments and calculations were compared in order to test the validity of a model. 2. Material Properties Rubber is an elastic hydrocarbon polymer that naturally occurred as a milky colloidal suspension, or latex, in the sap of some plants and it can be synthesized. It is found in about 2000 different plant species all over the world, the only rubber-producing plant of commercial interest is the para rubber tree or the scientific name is Hevea brasiliensis (Bengtsson and Stenberg, 1996). Other plants that contain rubber are Guayule, a shrub growing in Mexico and the southern part of the USA, and the Balata tree. The rubber from Guayule is cis-1, 4- polyisoprene, while the rubber from the Balata tree is trans-1,4-polyisoprene. Rubber exhibits with unique physical and chemical properties. Rubber’s stress-strain behavior exhibits the Mullins to be accomplished, the Payne effect and is often modeled as hyper elastic. The synthetic rubber can be made as a polymer of isoprene or various other monomers. The material properties of natural rubber will make it an elastomer and a thermoplastic. However, it should be noted that as the vulcanization of rubber it would turn into a thermoset. Figure 1: Chemical-rubber-poly-cis-isoprene. Latex contains rubber hydrocarbon and a large amount of non-rubber constituents, which present relatively small amounts. Many of these non-rubber constituents are dissolved in the aqueous serum of latex, while others might be absorbed on the surface of the latex itself. Some others might exist as rubber particles suspended in the latex. As a natural product, the composition of freshly tapped latex varies between wide limits, with typical composition such as total solid content, dry rubber content, protein substances, neutral lipids as well as phospholipids, ash, carbohydrates and inositols, nitrogen compounds and water. Due to commercial purposes, Roziha Darwis et al. / Journal of Fundamental Sciences 5 (2009) 55-62 57 accelerators, antioxidants and adulterants might be added to freshly tapped latex to enhance the quality of the latex. The components of chemical are existed in fresh latex lipid. Lipid is a water-soluble substance and maybe divided two portions which are neutral lipid and polar lipid. Phospholipids are polar lipids that can be found in freshly tapped Hevea latex. Neutral lipids found in fresh latex contain substances such as carotene pigments and esters, triglycerides, tocotrienols, sterols and mixture of fatty acids, fatty alcohols, di- and monoglycerides. Latex might undergo some process to change to rubber. This purpose will change the composition of the lipids present. Portion of lipid that might have retained in the processed latex is usually the neutral lipids, while polar lipids will be degraded. The degradation of the polar lipids portion might result in a significant increase of the fatty acids in the processed latex.


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عنوان فارسی مقاله: ترسیم رفتار حرارتی بر روی مواد لاستیکی با در نظر گرفتن شبیه سازی تغییر فاز
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله: Temperature Behavior Visualization on Rubber Material Involving Phase Change Simulation



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