دانلود ترجمه مقاله شناوری کانی های مس از کانسنگ مس در سطح آزمایش



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عنوان فارسی مقاله: شناوری کانی های مس از کانسنگ مس وزیرستان شمال در سطح آزمایش



مشخصات مقاله انگلیسی (PDF)
سال انتشار مقاله  2000
تعداد صفحات مقاله انگلیسی 11 صفحه با فرمت pdf
رشته های مرتبط  زمین شناسی، پترولوژِی یا سنگ شناسی و مهندسی معدن
دانشگاه تهیه کننده  دانشگاه مهندسی و فناوری پاکستان
نشریه  Quarterly SCIENCE VISION



مشخصات و وضعیت ترجمه مقاله (Word)
تعداد صفحات ترجمه مقاله  14 صفحه با فرمت ورد، به صورت تایپ شده و با فونت 14 – B Nazanin
ترجمه اشکال ترجمه توضیحات زیر اشکال انجام شده و اشکال و نمودارها به صورت عکس در فایل ترجمه درج شده است. عبارات روی اشکال ترجمه نشده است.



فهرست مطالب:


مطالعات فلوتاسیون در مقیاس آزمایشی
روش آزمون فلوتاسیون در مقیاس آزمایشی
کانی ها
تست فلوتاسیون
تست های فلوتاسیون برای بالک رافینگ ۱
جزییات تست ها
نتایج و بحث
نوع و دوز جمع اوری کننده
اثرات ماده پراکنده کننده
اثرات سولفیدایزر(Na2S)
اثرات روغن کاج(کف کننده)
تاثیر چگالی خمیر
اثرات زمان تغییر حالت
تسست های فلوتاسیون برای بالک رافینگ ۲
جزییات تست ها
نتایج و بحث
تست های فلوتاسیون برای پاکسازی ۱
جزییات تست ها
جمع بندی و نتیجه گیری


بخشی از ترجمه:


پارامترهای فرایند فلوتاسیون از نظر تمرکز مقدار مس یعنی کالکوپیریت کانسنگ مس وزیرستان شمال در مقیاس آزمایش برای بدست اوردن غلظت مس کافی برای فراوری های متالورژیکی بیشتر مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. پارامترهای مهم فلوتاسیون یعنی نوع و دوز جمع اوری کننده، دوز منقبض کننده، منتشر کننده، کف ساز و زمان شرطی مورد آزمایش قرار گرفت. طی بهینه سازی گام به گام پارامترهای فلوتاسیون، مقدار مس از ۰.۹ تا ۲۰ درصد در مرحله مخلوط سازی و تا بیش از ۲۲ درصد در مرحله پاکسازی تک مرحله ای با بازیابی بیش از ۸۳ درصد روزآمد شد. فلوشیت حاوی محصولات مختلف فلوتاسون برای یک متمرکز کننده صنعتی نیز پیشنهاد شده است.

۱ مقدمه

در وزیرستان شمال، در مناطقی مثل شینکای و دگان، حجم عظیمی از نهشته ها و رسوبات مس موجود می باشد. منابع کانسنک مادون قرمز حدود ۱۲۲.۷۱ میلیون تن است که دارای محتوی مس متغیر از ۰.۸۳۶۵% تا بیش از ۲% می باشد(FATA DC 1985)(ونگ زیتان ۱۹۹۶). هدف این مقاله، مطالعه سطح و غلظت مس کانسنگ وزیرستان شمالی با محتوی مس حدود ۰.۹ درصد تا یک سطح قابل قبول برای فراوری متالورژیکی بود. بخش غربی وزیرستان دارای یک کمربند آذرین پیچیده است. این کمربند دارای شمال شرقی جنوب غربی بوده و متشکل از توده های فرا مافیک حاوی هارزبورگیت، پیروکسنیت،پریودودایت و دیونیت می باشد. انواع بیرونی یا نفوذی شامل دیوریت، کوارتز-دیوریت، دیوریت میکروکوارتز، دولریت و گابرو می باشد.


بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

ABSTRACT Flotation process parameters were studied to concentrate the copper content i.e. Chalcopyrite of North Waziristan copper-ore on Pilot-scale to obtain a copper concentrate suitable for further metallurgical treatment. The important flotation parameters, e.g. type and dosage of collector, dosage of depressent, dispersent and frother and conditioning time for collector were examined. During stepwise optimization of flotation parameters, the copper content was upgraded from 0.9% to 20% in roughing stage, and to as high as 22% in a single-stage cleaning, with recoveries of over 83%. A flowsheet depicting different products of flotation, for an industrial concentrator, has also been suggested. INTRODUCTION In North-Waziristan, at places like Shinkai and Degan, huge deposits of copper are available. The inferred ore-reservers are 122.71 million tons,having a copper content varying from 0.3865% to as high as 2% (FATA DC, 1985); (Wang Zhitian, 1996). The purpose of this paper is to study concentrateion of the North Waziristan copper ore (Shinkai area), having copper content 0.9% to a level suitable for metallurgical treatment. The western part of Waziristan constitutes a complex igneous belt. The belt extends NortheastSouthwest and consist of ultramafic masses, consisting of harzburgite, pyroxenites, periododites and dunites, generally serpentinized. The intrusives comprise diorites, quartz-diorites, micro-quartz diorites, granodiorites, dolerites and gabbros. Volcanics include fine-grained porphyritic pillow basalts and andesites, with subordinate breccias and minor dacite, rhyodacites, tuffs and agglomerates (Badshah 1983). To reconfirm the previously carried out studies (Khan, 1994), laboratory-scale petrographic studies of the ore showed that the sulphide mineralization is present in the form of the stock work-internally brecciated. The suphide minerals are disseminated and are in skeletal form. The pillow breccia is chloritized and contains minerals like hornblende and pyroxene. The ore-minerals are mostly cube-shaped, sporadically distributed throughout the rock but also found in the form of veinlets. Chalcopyrite exists as a major mineral, with malachite, azurite, tennantite as minor valuable minerals. Pyrite, pitchlimonite, bronchantite, graphite, chamosite, nimite and quartz exist as gangue minerals (Rafiq Mazhar, 1999). PILOT-PLANT FLOTATION STUDIES The aim of the present research is to develop an economically viable commerical process to utilize the 122 million tons of copper ore of the North Waziristan area.Pilot-scale flotation studies were carried out to upgrade its copper-content by physical concentration method to a level which is suitable for metallurgical treatment to produce blister copper. Flotation-process parameters, such as collector type and dosage, dispersent, pulp density, etc, were investigated. FLOTATION TEST-PROCEDURE AT PILOT SCALE Minerals The copper ore was from the Shinkai area (North Waziristan) and assayed at 0.9% Cu, 0.0134% Zn, 0.0126% Pb, 0.0110% Co, 0.0067% Ni, 1.740 ppm Ag, and 0.22 ppm Au. Quartz was the main gangue mineral. Communition For each test-run of the flotation-process, approximately 100 kgs of copper ore was reduced in size to 80% passing 4mm. The crushed material was wet-ground for 20 min in a closed-circuit ballmill classifier, at a solid-liquid ratio of 1:2.3 (i.e. 30% solids by weight), to 80% passing 75mm. The coarse particles were difficult to float, so the grind was chosen to be fine i.e. 75mm (Rafiq Mazhar, 1999). The fine-size grinding also promotes the self-induced flotability of the particles (Senior G.D. and Trahar W.J., 1976). Flotation Testing The product of the ball-mill was conditioned and subjected to flotation in a bank of 25 and 28 litres flotation-cells. All the reagents were added in the conditioning stage, except caustic soda (NaOH) which was added during the grinding stage as pH regulator. The conditioned pulp was subject to two roughingstage flotations and one cleaning-stage flotation. The concentrates from the Bulk Roughing-I and Bulk Roughing-II were combined and cleaned, to obtain the final concentrate. For Bulk Roughing-I, the parameters investigated were type and dosage of collector, depressant dosage, sulphidizer dosage, pine-oil dosage, dispersent dosage and conditioning time. In any stage of flotation . i.e. roughing or cleaning, while studying the effect of variation of any parameter on the grade and recovery of copper, the rest of the parameters were kept constant. (Table 1). Normal tap-water was used for conducting all the tests. All the reagents were of technical grade, except sodium cyanide (NaCN), caustic soda (NaOH) and sodium sulphide (Na2S) which were of commercial grade. Chemical analyses were carried out with X-Ray Spectrometer System (Jeol, Model JSX-603). FLOTATION TESTS FOR BULK ROUGHING-I In the flotation method of concentrating minerals, fast floating minerals are recovered in bulkroughing stages, in order to obtain maximum recovery of valuable minerals (Wills B.A, 1985). The parameters investigated during this stage were type and dosage of collector, pH value, depressant dosage, sulphidizer dosage, pulp density, and pine-oil dosage. Generally, higher dosages of reagents are used during this stage of flotation. Details of Tests Fifteen tests were carried out to evaluate the flotation- response , using different dosages and. type of collector. Five tests were conducted each to investigate the effect of varying pH and depressent dosage on the grade and recovery of copper. The effects of sulfidizer was investigated by using dosage in the range of 10- 60 gms/ton. Three tests were conducted to investigate the effect of pine oil (frother) by varying its dosage between 25 and 70 gms/ton. The effect of variation in pulp-density was investigated by varying it between 15 and 35%. Similarly, a few tests were conducted to investigate the effect of conditioning–time on the grade and recovery of copper. All the products, including tailings, recovered during. flotation test work, were dried and analyzed for copper. From the results, grade and recovery curves were drawn. The concentrate from the Bulk Roughing-I was then routed to the cleaning stage. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Collector Type and Dosage The curves in Figure 1 (Tests 1-5) show that, with an increase in NaPX (Sodium Propyl Xanthate) there is a corresponding increase in the grade/ recovery of copper (Ralston V.E., 1991, Senior, 1991, Keble 1982, Woods, 1971, Ross, 1981, Swat 1991). Beyond the dosage of 200 gms/ ton, there is a decrease in grade and a slight decrease in recovery. This may be due to the non-specific adsorption of the collector by the gangue particles (Woods, 1971; Ross,1991) and, possibly, due to the development of collector multilayers on the particles, reducing the proportion of hydrocarbon radicals oriented into the bulk solution (Smart 1991; Fuerstenau and Palmer 1976; Smith and Akhtar, 1976), thus reducing the grade of the concentrate; the critical dosage of NaPX observed at this stage was 200 gms/ton. The curves in Figure 2 (Tests 6-10) show a similar behaviour of NaEX (Sodium Ethyl Xanthate) to NaPX. By using NaEX, the grade/recovery is almost the same upto 150 gms/ton but, later, the recovery has not improved as in case of NaPX. This may be due to the fact that hydrophobic action of Xanthate collectors decreases with the, decrease in molecular weight of the alkyl group (Wills,1985); (Majima and Takeda, 1968); (Kelly and Spottiswood, 1982). The curves in Figure 3 (Tests 11-15) show the effects of KPX (Potassium Propyl Xanthate) on the grade and recovery of copper. The curves reveal a similar behaviour of KPX to that of NaPX. By using collector KPX, there is not much effect on the grade/recovery of copper in the concentrate. Hence, Sodium or Potassium cation in collector has no effect on flotation (Crozier, 1991).


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عنوان فارسی مقاله: شناوری کانی های مس از کانسنگ مس وزیرستان شمال در سطح آزمایش



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