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مروری بر ادبيات پيشين مهندسی مجدد فرآيندهای کسب و کار

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Business Process Reengineering A review of recent literature

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  • فهرست مطالب:


۱ مقدمه
۲ نياز به مهندسي مجدد
۳ ادبیات موضوع
۳ ۱ تعریف مهندسی مجدد
۳ ۲ابزارها و تکنیک های مهندسی مجدد
۳ ۳ همزيستي مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها و مديريت كيفيت جامع
۳ ۴ درك فرآيندهاي سازماني
۵ ۳ چالش مهندسي مجدد
۶ ۳ طراحي مجدد سازمان با استفاده از مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها
۳ ۶ ۱ فرآيند طراحي مجدد
۷ ۳ بيش ترين خطرات ادراك شده در آغاز يك برنامه مهندسي مجدد فرآيند
۴نتيجه گيري و حوزه تحقيقات آينده

  • بخشی از ترجمه:


هدف از اين مقاله بررسي و مرور ادبيات موجود در زمينه مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها بوده است. در اين مقاله نخست در خصوص نياز به مهندسي مجدد بحث گرديد و پس از آن به نقد ادبيات موجود در زمينه تعريف مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها، تكنيك ها و ابزارهاي مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها، همزيستي مهندسي مجدد فرآيند و مديريت كيفيت جامع، شناسايي فرآيندهاي سازماني، چالش مهندسي مجدد و طراحي سازماني با استفاده از مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها پرداخته شد. واضح است كه در ادبيات موجود آشفتگي زيادي در مبحث مهندسي مجدد فرآيند وجود دارد. مهندسي مجدد فرآيند داراي اشتراكاتي با مديريت كيفيت جامع مي باشد به عنوان مثال در زمينه بهبود مستمر، مهندسي مجدد فرآيند طراحي مجدد بنيادين فرآيندهاي كسب و كار جهت دستيابي به بهبود چشمگير مي¬باشد. مجموعه اي از تكنيك ها و ابزارهايي كه مي¬تواند جهت بهبود فرآيند مورد استفاده قرار گيرد شامل: تجسم فرآيندها، نمودار، مطالعه روش¬هاي عملياتي، بسته هاي نرم افزاري تغييرات سازماني و بهره گيري از گروه مشتريان هدف مي باشد.
مهندسي مجدد فرآيند در طي مدت زمان كوتاه از شهرت قابل توجهي در ميان كسب و كار برخوردار گشت. مشاوران نيز اين روش را بواسطه نتايج بسيار جالب در ميان شركت هايي كه ان را اجرا كرده بودند به طور گسترده ترويج دادند. تحقيقات كمي در زمينه مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها انجام پذيرفته است و همين امر فرصت بزرگي در اختيار جامعه دانشگاهي قرار مي دهد. بر مبناي بررسي هاي صورت گرفته در ادبيات تعدادي از موضوعات پژوهشي كه مي تواند توسط جامعه دانشگاهي انجام پذيرد به شرح زير است:
۱٫ مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها، اهداف شركت و ساختار سازماني – برسي ارتباط ميان مهندسي مجدد فرآيند و چگونگي تاثير گذاري اين عوامل بر ساختار سازمان.
۲٫ بررسي ارتباط ميان پذيرش تكنيك ها و ابزارهاي مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها و عملكرد شركت
۳٫ بهترين روش پذيرش تكنيك ها و ابزارهاي مهندسي مجدد فرآيند.
۴٫ بررسي ميزاني كه مديريت كيفيت جامع موفقيت پروژه هاي مهندسي مجدد فرآيندها را تسهيل مي-نمايد.
۵٫ بهترين روش مديريت پروژه هاي مهندسي مجدد فرآيند – درس هاي آموخته شده از پروژه هاي موفق يا ناموفق مهندسي مجدد فرآيند و شناسايي عوامل كليدي جهت دستيابي به موفقيت.
۶٫ نقش مالکان فرآيندها (مشتريان و تأمین كنندگان) در پروژه هاي مهندسي مجدد فرآيند.
۷٫ كار گروهي در مهندسي مجدد فرآيند.
۸٫ نقش مديريت ارشد در اجراي موفقيت آميز مهندسي مجدد فرآيند.
۹٫ مديريت ريسك موجود در مهندسي مجدد فرآيند.

  • بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

Introduction For almost a decade now there has been considerable discussion in the literature on Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and today there still remains considerable confusion, particularly amongst managers, as to exactly what constitutes BPR and how it is different from other change initiatives such as Total Quality Management. This paper presents a review of the existing literature on BPR and based on the literature review, proposes a number of topics that can be developed as potential research projects. The aim is to provide the reader with an understanding of what constitutes BPR and to assist in the better adoption of BPR amongst businesses. The review covered articles published in the leading academic journals and professional business magazines as well as covering books that are commercially available. The period covered was from the late 1980s to 1998. A further aim of this paper is to identify areas for future research. Over 100 references are cited and listed at the end of this paper. In reviewing the literature, we identified six major issues worthy of discussion in this paper. These are: 1. The definition of BPR. This section examines a number of definitions of BPR and the kinds of companies that undertake reengineering projects. 2. BPR tools and techniques. This section identifies the common tools and techniques used in reengineering business processes. 3. BPR and TQM co-existence. This section examines the similarities between BPR and TQM and their coexistence in an organisation. 4. Understanding organisational processes. This section discusses the importance of understanding the whole process. 5. The reengineering challenge. This section identifies the major management challenges relating to BPR. 6. Organisational design using BPR. This section discusses the redesign of processes and some of the risks perceived in embarking on a BPR programme. Before discussing the above issues, the paper first discusses the radical changes that are taking place in businesses and in the market place. The need for a different approach to process management and the need for reengineering are also discussed. The paper ends with some concluding remarks and identifies potential research topics relating to BPR. It is clear from this review that more empirical research is necessary. Based on the literature review presented here, we identify a number of areas for future research relating to BPR. 2. The need for reengineering To be a truly world-class organisation, the company needs to work as a team and all the functional areas of the business need to be properly integrated, with each understanding the importance of cross functional processes. As the basis of competition changes from cost and quality to flexibility and responsiveness, the value of process management is now being recognised. The role that process management can play in creating sustainable competitive advantage was termed Business Process Reengineering (BPR), and was first introduced by Hammer (1990); Davenport and Short (1990). These authors outlined a new approach to the management of processes, which, it was claimed, was producing radical improvements in performance. The three driving forces behind this radical change are an extension of Porter’s (Porter, 1980, 1985, 1990) work on competitive advantage, and were summarised by Hammer and Champy (1993) as: I customers who can now be very diverse, segmented, and are expectant of consultation, I competition that has intensified to meet the needs of customers in every niche, and I change that has become pervasive, persistent, faster and in some markets a pre-requisite. Customers, competition, and change have created a New World for business, such that organisations designed to operate in one environment are inadequately equipped to operate well in another. Companies created to thrive on mass production stability, and growth cannot be simply improved to succeed in a world where customers, competition, and change demand flexibility and quick response. This is also what Drucker (1969) termed the “Age of Discontinuity” or the challenge to the traditional assumptions of business. In today’s marketplaces, it is no longer a question of caveat emptor, but rather caveat factor. Customers today are characterised by their relentless demands in quality, service, and price; by their willingness to act on default of contract and by their disloyalty. In fact, the new power and freedom of the customer has destroyed many of the managerial assumptions of the early Management Revolution (Drucker, 1954). There is no longer unearned brand loyalties, no more complicity among rivals in the same markets; no more passing on of rising wages and benefits in the form of higher prices; no more easy reliance on high entry costs to keep out upstart competitors; and reducing protection by national governments.


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مروری بر ادبيات پيشين مهندسی مجدد فرآيندهای کسب و کار

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Business Process Reengineering A review of recent literature

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